Home Research

Human Grade, Potent Ingredients
At LifeStages Pet Nutrition we conduct extensive research on individual ingredients and develop formulas that work together synergistically to deliver maximum potency. We are always on a quest to identify the best ingredients to help you maintain an optimum state of health for your dog.
Why research is important to us
Combining the wisdom of a master herbalist, the science of a bio-chemist, and daily experience of a practicing veterinarian give us a strong foundation for product development at LifeStages Pet Nutrition.
Inspired by consumer experience, we are working to open a new door supporting clinical research in the dietary supplement field.
We have three main goals for our research program:
- Provide assurance and confidence in canine health matters.
- Become a science-based educational resource.
- Provide information used in formulating and reformulating our products.
Ultimately, here at LifeStages Pet Nutrition we support research to provide confidence to individuals and their healthcare partners.
We believe in nature; the next step is to support the scientific process in proving what the ancients have always known: Nature Works.

Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research
Qualitative research is an umbrella phrase that describes many research methodologies that draw on data collection techniques, such as interviews and observations.
The goal of qualitative research is to understand participants’ own perspectives that are embedded in their social context.
Quantitative research is a strictly controlled research design in which researchers clearly specify in advance which data they will measure and the procedure that will be used to obtain the data.
The goal of quantitative research is prediction, generalizability, and causality.
Mixed methods studies use both approaches to answer research questions. This generates qualitative and quantitative data that are then brought together to answer research questions.
In Vitro verses In Vivo Studies
In vivo is an experiment or test that is performed inside the living organism or in its natural environment.
In vitro is an experiment that is done outside of the living organism, usually in a test tube or a Petri dish.
Ultimately, here at LifeStages Pet Nutrition we support research to provide confidence to pet parents. We believe in nature. The next step is to support the scientific process in proving what the ancients have always known: Nature Works.